Welcome to my blog....

Join me as I explore aspects of my life such as spirituality, motherhood, relationships, cooking, books and movies that inspire me and the journey of achieving balance and fulfillment!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Today's balancing act....

I'm one child down at the moment while my darling son (we'll refer to him as DS) is on his annual summer visit with his biological father. He's been gone for two weeks now so naturally I am starting to miss his chatter, his laughter and the effortless love he has for his baby sister. Of course without DS around to drive to school/swimming lessons/futsel/nippers etc I am finding life to be cruising along quietly! My darling daughter (let's go with DD2) awoke with the sparrows this morning so after an outing to meet up with her daddy (my DH - dear husby) for lunch and rice throwing, well she is knackered and is now currently snoozing in the car (yes people, the car is safely parked in the garage with all car doors open for ventilation).

I have a few rare moments to myself, so of course I do the typical female/mother thing and race around like a chook with her head lopped off doing unsatisfying things such as put on the washing, put washing in the drier (soooo sick of this never ending rain), tidy up the living area, dusting (an utterly thankless task that only produces a postive result for a millisecond), make the bed, book the car in for a service, fold clothes, packed away clothes in bedrooms that seriously need decluttering, wash dishes, water plants and then suddenly time slowed right down as I walked longingly past the chocolate cake leftovers that I'd made yesterday to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Maybe that's my balancing act for today... simply accepting that my home is neater than it was when I woke this morning and that it really is ok if it doesn't look like a double page spread from the latest home/lifestyle magazine and then giving myself permission to STOP for a few guilt-free moments.

Now, did I hear someone mention something about cake.....!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A new day dawns.....

Way back when in 2010, this little chickie revolted agains the whole "New Years Resolution" phenomena and instead chose to go with whatever the Universe sent her way. It seemed to be the right choice in some respects but in other ways, it kinda just gave my tendencies toward procrastination the ability to fester! My novel remained incomplete and was the constant elephant in the room! On the other hand, I was growing a bellybabe and entered into Motherhood for the third time so it wasn't too hard to convince myself that it trumped finishing my novel. Woven throughout the year were other little wishes that would nag away at me, starting a blog was one of them!

This year, I've created a wish list and I commit to picking wishes that I am drawn to in that precise moment and running with it as far as I choose. I let go of my need to perfect a task. I let go of the guilt I put myself through for not finishing something. I won't beat myself up for not starting something on my list. I choose Equilibrium and I am a work in progress!

Another recurring theme in my life is seeking balance! Whether it be between work and home, relationship and friendships, hibernating or being a social butterfly etc. etc. I guess I'm just always trying to be superwoman (and I know I'm not alone in that quest)! So here we are in 2011, a clean slate, fresh start, new beginnings and all that.... I'm going to combine those two wishes and welcome you to share my journey as I explore ways in which I can achieve moments of Equilibrium!